Make choices today that will create what you want your future self to be and experience.
All we ever have is now. We will only, always, be in the present moment. We may not always BE present in the current moment though. Your thoughts may drift back to something from your past or you may be dreaming of a future someday, but you are still doing that from the present moment. The present moment is a powerful one. It’s powerful because it’s the stepping stone to your future.
What future do you want to create?
Your future is not created somewhere out there, someday, some way unbeknownst to you. It’s not something that just “happens”.
It’s being created in this very moment, in the present.
Every choice you make right now is either leading you to the future self you want to be, or it’s not.
If you are wanting to lose weight, get in shape, clean up your diet, have a better relationship, a better career, or anything else you wish to have, it starts in this present moment by the choices you make right now. No one else can do this for you. You won’t make your way to a better self by blaming. You can’t complain your way there. You can’t make excuses and get there.
The only way you can get to the future self you want to be is by aligning your vision and then taking the inspired actions that come from that alignment. Sometimes people just jump right into action. They start an exercise program, or a diet – or whatever else they are wanting in life – and after a while find they lose momentum and give up.
What keeps you going day-in and day-out comes from that alignment that must take place first. It reminds you of what you want and why you want it and that’s when the inspired action comes. Inspired action is just as it sounds. It’s what gives meaning to what you do and is regenerated and re-created each and every time you remind yourself why you are doing it.
Take that first step today. Tomorrow, take that step again.
It’s like constructing a building. First create your blueprint, then take consistent action. A building doesn’t just happen overnight – unless you want a building that has no firm foundation to sustain the weight and pressure of itself. In your own life, the steps you take today, and then tomorrow, and then the next day, keep building that foundation. Pretty soon you start to see results.
Stresses and pressures sometimes get in the way, but you don’t stop.
You keep the vision of your future self and you let it guide you. This is how you make your dreams come true. But it only, always, starts with the choices you make today. And then the choices you make tomorrow must match that.
If you keep your eye on the prize, on the target, you can’t help but get there. When you decide what you want, the Universe conspires to make things start going in that direction. It’s like a snowball effect that gets bigger and bigger as it rolls down the hill gaining momentum. That’s how you create a life you want to experience.
Your present moment and choices always determine your future moments and life. If your current reality is the way you want it, keep making the same choices. But if you want a different reality or future, make sure the choices you make today bring you closer to your future self, experiences, and dreams!
Whether you realize it or not, everyday you are already creating your future self.
Make sure it’s the one you want. Line up with it, and then go get it!