If you want to make something happen in your life, here are some thoughts to help you get there.
Getting there doesn’t depend on how motivated you are. Motivation flows…and then…motivation wanes. Some days it’s there in full force, others it’s not. It’s not dependable and because of that, you can’t count on it.
You also can’t count on how passionate you feel about it. Passion is an intense motivator but it can also burn out if not properly fueled.
And, it doesn’t even matter how much you tell yourself you want something and really wish for it.
All of these things may inspire you to take that first step, but it’s consistent action that gets you to your end goal.
Consistency, consistency, consistency!
Unless you are consistently taking ACTION toward your goal, you won’t get there. It’s the day-in, day-out, do-it-even-when-you-don’t-feel-like-it action that will get you to your goals. It requires a little planning, and a willingness to stick to the plan.
Motivation is turned on by action. Action feeds motivation, not the other way around.
But first, you need to know your goal. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? Whether it’s to lose weight, get in better shape, make more money, have better relationships, or something else, you need to know your “what.” What is my goal or intended outcome?
And, you need to know your “why.” Why do I want it?
These two questions will keep you on track and help you set the course of direction. When you head out on a road trip somewhere, you usually have an end point location you are driving to. When you book a flight, it’s to a specific destination. And there’s usually a reason why you’re going there – whether it’s business or pleasure.
Think of your what and why as the compass that keeps directing you to your goal. If you get off track, even just a little bit, the compass keeps steady and doesn’t falter. It just keeps you tracking in the right direction. Not only that, your what and your why fuel your passion about your goal!
And that’s where consistency comes in. A steady, on-going, continual movement is what eventually gets you to where you want to go. Even when you’re not seeing progress, it’s still happening. If I watch my food intake for one day, I won’t see much change in terms of my weight or my health.
One day down lets you know you can do it. It builds the mind muscle a little.
Do it again the next day and now you’ve got another small success under your belt.
Repeat the next day…and then the next…and then, you do start to see progress.
It’s the small on-going steps, done regularly that lead to big outcomes.
At first you don’t see it, but then it magically is there. But it’s not magic, or an overnight success. It’s your consistency to keep doing it. Consistency compounds – it builds on itself. And that’s what gets you to where you want to go!
Spend a little time this week thinking about your goals. What are they and why do you want them? What small steps do you need to take daily and stay consistent with to work toward your goals?
Active-ist for your health,