Many individuals are now working from home to avoid social interaction and exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus). If you are one of them, you’ve likely been given back a chunk of time that normally went toward getting out of your house and making your commute. Whether that’s a total of 20 minutes or two hours, we challenge you to dedicate all or a portion of that “extra” time to bettering YOU.
The thing is, you may not have noticed the extra time we’re speaking of. Maybe you have kids at home who are keeping you busier than had they still been physically at school. Maybe your workload is higher because of the impacts of the virus. Or maybe you’re not sure the reason, but you don’t feel like you have any more time than before.
So while you may not feel like you have any extra time, it may be because you’ve filled it with busy work. We want you to become present to that extra time and become intentional about doing something with it that is productive for your happiness. Curious what that means? It means choosing to spend it on something that will make you happier or healthier (which really are the same!).
We want you to do something each day that feeds your soul! This is so important and you NEED this right now, trust us.
Examples of activities that would qualify include:
- Exercise / dancing / physical movement
- Education – something that will challenge your brain and make you smarter about a topic
- Meaningful time with loved ones
- Meditation or self reflection
- Working on a hobby or “side gig”
- Watching a favorite TV show or movie
- Writing or journaling
- Baking or cooking
- Crossing an item off your to-do list that you’ve looked forward to doing, but haven’t had the time
- Gardening
- Being outside in nature
That’s it! We’re only asking you to do two things. First, pick a certain amount of time you’ll spend each day doing something for YOU. Second, be intentional about giving yourself that time each day. When you do, you’ll be a better version of yourself, which is crucial for maintaining your positivity and being the person others need you to be during this time!